“Politics, Voting and Government can be confusing and it’s hard to admit you don’t know much about them or that you’ve never voted. Well you’re not alone. However, now it’s Fun, Fast & Easy”

-Lisa Ann Fontana

  Lisa Ann is an average American who kept a dark secret… she didn’t cast her first vote for anything until she turned 35 years old.  She tried to buy a book to teach her about politics or government so she could vote with confidence, but the bookstore shelves were lined with negativity, and all of them played the blame game.  So, she researched it herself, quietly putting the pieces together on her own until she figured it out. With an unwavering dedication to judgment free, balanced information (with a healthy dollop of fun and wit) she bridges the gap between people ‘in the know’ and you and Me, The People.

In 2008 she became a Field Organizer for Obama For America.  She was then immersed in the political world by way of Iowa (Shadowing Linda Langston, Linn County Supervisor, now Director of Strategic Relations for NACo).  In March of 2015 democrat Hillary Clinton requested a copy of Me, The People during her Listening Tour. Pieces of it were reflected in the ‘Hillary for America’ Campaign Launch Speech.  In April 2016 she was invited to join Republican John Kasich’s ‘Kasich For Us’ Presidential Campaign to provide outreach to current non-voters.  As National Field Director for No Labels in Washington, D.C., Lisa Ann created the National Unity Plan to make them competitive as a world-class bipartisan volunteer organization.  With the high demand of her live workshops, Lisa Ann took a break from lecturing and presenting to create an at home welcome party workshop that is accessible to everyone.  Comfy In Your Country will be available on March 15, 2020.

Her background is geared toward welcome outreach:  Encouraging non-voters to feel welcome and wanted in politics and their government.  Ms. Fontana explained her motivation for writing ‘Me, The People,’ “I had to figure it out by myself. I wrote this book so the other 89 million people like me would know that they are not alone.”


Let’s welcome Another million people to politics & government together!

What Is 60 Second Civics?

Lisa Ann Fontana Promotional Pointing PictureBooking information or to check availability for Lisa Ann Fontana AKA Citizen Cupcakes

15 + 3 =

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why do you travel around as an Engagement Author and Citizen Cupcakes?

    “To bring attention to the 89 million current non-voters who have been left out of politics. I used to be one so I am the best spokesperson. I want to share how easy it is for in-the-knows to be ambassadors, & to get help reaching everyone so we can set the country on a path of civics & citizenship.” – Lisa Ann Fontana

How are you involved in your own community and what inspired you to do so?

    “I welcome people to politics & their government by hosting Welcome Party Seminars where I share civics, citizenship & communication. Public schools don’t teach this-it shows. Congress, the Dept. of Education & most people ‘in-the-know’ would rather treat these 89 million as apathetic or unpatriotic than to do the most natural thing Americans do–We joyously welcome people! When immigrants become citizens they attend a ceremony. We all deserve a party.

When I was in Obama Field Training I told 20 people I’d never voted before & was treated like a traitor. If I wasn’t welcome in a room of yes we can/hope & change something was wrong. I cast my first vote at 35 then wrote a book to help other people like me-those past the age when it’s no longer okay to admit you don’t even know how to register to vote.

Now I’m a welcome party powerhouse. I travel to homes, libraries & church basements. Shifting from exclusive to inclusive people immediately light up inside, lean in & get comfy in their country.” – Lisa Ann Fontana

What would you say to young people around the world who want to make a difference in their own community?

    “I commend your vision. You don’t have to change the world. You can make big changes in ‘your’ world. Local community is your world. Your family & friends are your world. The jobs we hold & the work we do is our world. Once you decide on something that deserves your attention to be created, changed or improved, put your time, talent & treasure there & you will succeed over time. Lastly, be patient, hold your goal in your heart & boldly & consistently fail your way there.” – Lisa Ann Fontana

Copyright Me The People 2020